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本文通过重新测制剖面和补充采样,系统检查和研究了崖脚剖面晚泥盆世晚期—晚石炭世早期牙形石生物地层。通过对在17个牙形石样品中获得的丰富的牙形石材料鉴定,厘定了一些重要牙形石分类。在此基础上,根据牙形石垂向分布特征,确定了带化石的层位。崖脚剖面五指山组上部和巴平组划分出7个牙形石带:五指山组上部为Palmatolepis graciliss辔moidalis带;巴平组下段分别为Siphonodella duplicate带,S.crenulata带,S.isosticha带,Scaliognathus preaanchoralis带和S.anchoralis带下部;巴平组上段为S.anchoralis带上部和Declinognathodas noduliferus noduliferus亚带;巴平组的牙形石带特征显示巴平组的地质时代为晚泥盆世—晚石炭世早期。巴平组地质时代的确定为不同相区层序地层划分,特别是对早石炭世斜坡相区地层划分与对比提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   
秦岭造山带光头山岩体群黑云母地球化学特征及成岩意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对南秦岭光头山岩体群的岩相学和黑云母地球化学分析,进而对秦岭造山带晚三叠世花岗岩形成的温度、压力和氧逸度等物理化学条件进行专门的研究。其中岩相学观察表明,光头山岩体群主要由黑云母二长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩组成。电子探针分析结果表明黑云母二长岗岩中的黑云母是铁质黑云母,花岗闪长岩中的黑云母是镁质黑云母,所测黑云母的Fe2+/(Fe2++Mg)比值变化范围较小,表明其未受到后期改造,为原生黑云母,可以用来估算岩体的成岩物理化学条件。根据黑云母地球化学成分计算的成岩温度为(645~710)℃,压力为(126~309)MPa,logfo2为-12~-15,岩体侵位于中上地壳层次(约8.6km)。黑云母地球化学分析还表明,光头山岩体群主要为过铝质-造山带钙碱性花岗岩,岩浆以壳源为主兼具壳幔混源的特征。  相似文献   
通过对南海北部ODP1145站沉积物的常量元素和碳酸盐分析,探讨了早更新世南海北部沉积物常量元素和碳酸盐含量变化特征及其古环境意义.结果表明,南海北部沉积物中主量元素CaO、Fe2O3、K2O、Na2O、MnO和P2O5受碳酸盐含量影响相对较小,而SiO2、MgO、Al2O3和TiO2受到碳酸盐含量影响相对较大.碳酸盐校正后的常量元素变化可以划分为3种类型,即PC1、PC2和PC3,它们的主要特点有:PC1元素组合包括了SiO2、CaO、Na2O、P2O5、Fe2O3和K2O,主要反映了与季风强度有关的生源物质产率变化,指示了距今2.5~1.5Ma时段生产力的逐渐降低;PC2元素组合(Al2O3、TiO2)代表了陆源物质的输入,指示了在约2Ma开始陆源物质输入的明显增加;PC3元素组合(MgO、MnO)可能与海洋自生作用有关,反映了海底氧化/还原环境的相对变化.早更新世南海北部CaCO3含量呈阶段性降低,一方面受陆源物质稀释作用的影响,另一方面可能更与生物生产力逐渐降低有关.主量元素组合及碳酸盐含量在约2Ma和1.7Ma左右均发生显著变化,可能指示了早更新世时期东亚冬季风的两次增强.  相似文献   
河北省秦皇岛灵仙洞发现了一批最后斑鬣狗化石,标本达上千件,至少代表了30个不同个体,包括3具骨架(其中骨架Ⅰ是世界上迄今所发现最完整的1具),还发现了一些其他哺乳动物化石,共计26属27种.根据动物群组成、地质地貌以及堆积物的综合分析判断,它的时代可能属于中更新世晚期至晚更新世早期.动物群的生态组合反映当时处于一个温热偏干、半封闭或开阔的山间草原而周边山上有树林的生态环境.标本(尤其是完整骨架)的保存为典型的原地埋藏,死后未受到包括斑鬣狗自身在内的动物干扰和破坏.斑鬣狗在动物群中占绝对优势以及幼年个体和粪化石的发现,表明灵仙洞是一处斑鬣狗族群的巢穴.与其他斑鬣狗巢穴不同的是:斑鬣狗的猎物稀少,鲜见斑鬣狗的活动痕迹,尤其是幼年斑鬣狗啃咬形成的特定产物“nibbling sticks”,这说明灵仙洞既非用于猎物遗骸的储藏,也非用于幼崽的抚养,而是一处共用巢穴,同时也表明灵仙洞的骨骼聚集与埋藏有着特定的成因和机理.  相似文献   
对长江三角洲晚第四纪地层沉积特征进行了精细研究,探讨了研究区层序地层格架,在此基础上分析了浅层生物气成藏条件、特征和分布规律。研究表明,长江三角洲晚第四纪发育3期下切河谷,形成了3套沉积层序;因后期河流的强烈下切破坏,早期沉积层序往往被剥蚀殆尽,仅残留下部的河床相粗粒沉积,造成不同期河床相的叠置;相对而言,末次冰期以来形成的下切河谷沉积层序以相对完整的沉积相组合被保存下来。长江三角洲浅层天然气是未经运移的原生生物气,其主要富集于末次冰期以来的沉积层序内,气藏为自生自储同生型的岩性圈闭。河口湾—河漫滩和浅海相泥质沉积物既是气源岩,又是盖层,后者可作为良好的区域盖层;河口湾—河漫滩和河床相砂质沉积物为主要储集层。因此,研究区晚第四纪多期下切河谷沉积层序有利于浅层生物气藏的形成,特别是晚期下切河谷内河口湾—河漫滩相砂质透镜体以及河床相砂体可作为优先勘探目标。  相似文献   
动物群化石组合通常被用来限定地层的相对年代,但很难给出地质事件的精确时间.电子自旋共振(ESR)方法能够对化石样品本身直接测年,测年范围可以覆盖更新世和上新世.ESR化石测年的难点之一在于化石中铀放射性衰变体系的开放性.通过与铀系分析相结合,可以更精确的重建牙齿化石中铀元素的迁移过程,进而获得更可靠的年龄.本文对ESR化石测年方法进行了介绍,并展示了该方法在国内外动物群年代学研究中的一些应用.通过与生物地层学相结合,ESR化石测年方法为晚新生代地质和动物考古学年代学研究提供了一种更直接的绝对测年手段.  相似文献   
Although Late Cambrian microbial build-ups were recognized in the Point Peak Member of the Wilberns Formation in Central Texas (USA) nearly 70 years ago, only a few studies focused specifically on the build-ups themselves. This study focuses on the interpretation of the regional (15 measured sections described in literature representing an area of 8000 km2) and local (field and drone photogrammetry studies in a 25 km2 area from within south Mason County) microbial build-up occurrence, describes their growth phases and details their interactions with the surrounding inter-build-up sediments. The study establishes the occurrence of microbial build-ups in the lower and upper Point Peak members (the Point Peak Member is informally broken up into the lower Point Peak and the upper Point Peak members separated by Plectotrophia zone). The lower Point Peak Member consists of three <1 m thick microbial bioherms and biostrome units, in addition to heterolithic and skeletal/ooid grainstone and packstone beds. One, up to 14 m thick, microbial unit associated with inter-build-up skeletal and ooid grainstone and packstone beds, intercalated with mixed siliciclastic–carbonate silt beds, characterizes the upper Point Peak member. The microbial unit in the upper Point Peak member displays a three-phase growth evolution, from an initial colonization phase on flat based, rip-up clast lenses, to a second aggradation and lateral expansion phase, into a third well-defined capping phase. The ultimate demise of the microbial build-ups is interpreted to have been triggered by an increase of water turbidity caused by a sudden influx of fine siliciclastics. The lower Point Peak member represents inner ramp shallow subtidal and intertidal facies and the upper Point Peak member corresponds to mid-outer ramp subtidal facies. Understanding the morphological architecture and depositional context of these features is of importance for identifying signatures of early life on Earth.  相似文献   
Amik Lake or, historically, Lake of Antioch, was a large freshwater body in the lower Orontes River basin (Hatay Province, Turkey) that was drained in the 1940s–1970s. Several endemic animal species were described from this lake, including the freshwater mussel Anodonta pseudodopsis Locard, 1883 (Bivalvia: Unionidae) characterized by a large rounded shell covered by a peculiar yellow or yellowish-brown periostracum. Molecular analyses of topotypes of this nominal taxon collected from the former lake’s tributaries in the Amik Plain indicate that it is an intra-specific lineage of the widespread Anodonta anatina (Linnaeus, 1758) based on the mitochondrial COI and 16S rRNA, and the nuclear 28S rRNA gene fragments. Geometric morphometric analyses using the lectotype and topotypes of Anodonta pseudodopsis support our DNA-based hypothesis on the status of this nominal taxon. A new synonymy is provided as follows: Anodonta anatina = Anodonta pseudodopsis syn. nov. The syntype of Anodonta pseudodopsis SMF 5129 “See von Antiochia” (Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum, Frankfurt, Germany) is designated here to be the lectotype of this nominal taxon. Finally, we conclude that Anodonta anatina range covers the Orontes River basin in Turkey and Syria and the Nahr al-Kabir al-Shamali River in the Latakia Governorate of Syria. This intraspecific lineage of Anodonta anatina and other freshwater mussels of the Middle East are highly threatened due to multiple anthropogenic impacts and must be a focus of international conservation efforts. The Karasu River in eastern Turkey hosts viable populations of all freshwater mussel species of the Orontes’s fauna and can be considered one of the most important water bodies for the conservation of these imperiled animals in the region.  相似文献   
The formation of the supercontinent Pangaea during the Permo–Triassic gave rise to an extreme monsoonal climate (often termed ‘mega-monsoon’) that has been documented by numerous palaeo-records. However, considerable debate exists about the role of orbital forcing in causing humid intervals in an otherwise arid climate. To shed new light on the forcing of monsoonal variability in subtropical Pangaea, this study focuses on sediment facies and colour variability of playa and alluvial fan deposits in an outcrop from the late Carnian (ca 225 Ma) in the southern Germanic Basin, south-western Germany. The sediments were deposited against a background of increasingly arid conditions following the humid Carnian Pluvial Event (ca 234 to 232 Ma). The ca 2·4 Myr long sedimentary succession studied shows a tripartite long-term evolution, starting with a distal mud-flat facies deposited under arid conditions. This phase was followed by a highly variable playa-lake environment that documents more humid conditions and finally a regression of the playa-lake due to a return of arid conditions. The red–green (a*) and lightness (L*) records show that this long-term variability was overprinted by alternating wet/dry cycles driven by orbital precession and ca 405 kyr eccentricity, without significant influence of obliquity. The absence of obliquity in this record indicates that high-latitude forcing played only a minor role in the southern Germanic Basin during the late Carnian. This is different from the subsequent Norian when high-latitude signals became more pronounced, potentially related to the northward drift of the Germanic Basin. The recurring pattern of pluvial events during the late Triassic demonstrates that orbital forcing, in particular eccentricity, stimulated the occurrence and intensity of wet phases. It also highlights the possibility that the Carnian Pluvial Event, although most likely triggered by enhanced volcanic activity, may also have been modified by an orbital stimulus.  相似文献   
青海共和盆地位于青藏高原东北缘,以往有关共和盆地及邻区早-中三叠世岩浆岩成因机制的认识分歧较大,且研究主要集中在露头岩石方面。本文以共和盆地干热岩GR1井深部花岗岩岩芯样品作为研究对象,对其进行岩石学、长石电子探针、主微量元素地球化学、锆石U-Pb年代学及Lu-Hf同位素研究。矿物组成及长石电子探针测试结果显示花岗岩主要为奥长花岗岩、英云闪长岩及花岗闪长岩。锆石U-Pb测年结果表明,奥长花岗岩的结晶年龄为236.5±1.7Ma,英云闪长岩的岩浆结晶年龄为241.6±3.0Ma。主、微量元素地球化学显示这些花岗岩主要为准铝质,属于高钾钙碱性系列。全岩Ta-Nb-Hf等不相容元素图解及锆石Hf同位素数据表明共和盆地的236.5~241.6Ma花岗岩显示火山弧及同碰撞花岗岩成分特征,说明中三叠世共和地区发生俯冲-碰撞转换。结合本文数据与区域背景资料,作者认为:共和盆地早-中三叠世花岗岩组合的形成与印支期宗务隆洋的南向俯冲作用密切相关,此时,在宗务隆-青海南山-西秦岭北缘存在统一的大陆边缘弧环境;在236~241Ma时发生俯冲-碰撞转换;晚三叠世时宗务隆-青海南山-西秦岭北缘已处于碰撞期和后碰撞期。  相似文献   
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